Noemie Coutrot-Cieslinksi





Noémie Coutrot-Cieslinski graduated from both the Universities of Paris X-Nanterre and Potsdam (Germany). She has been a lawyer at the Paris bar since 2012.

Prior to settling in France, she lived in Germany and the United States for several years. She then practiced in the white collar & litigation teams of three leading firms in Paris: Farthouat Asselineau & Associés, August Debouzy and Quinn Emanuel.

In 2014, Noémie was elected Secrétaire de la Conférence des avocats du barreau de Paris, a two-centuries-old institution which brings together twelve lawyers elected by their peers each year and working as a special task force on sensitive criminal and white collar crime matters.

Noémie devotes part of her time to the pro bono activities of the Alliance des Avocats pour les Droits de l'Homme, in support of which she regularly pleads before French criminal courts.

She works in French, English and German. She is a member of the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA), the International Criminal Bar (ICB), the International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) and the Association of French and German Lawyers (AJFA).